National Internment Commemoration Day on October 28
On October 28, National Internment Remembrance Day, we pay tribute to the memory of Ukrainians who were unjustly interned in Canada during the First World War. This is an important date for our community as we remember the tragic pages of the history of the Ukrainian people and honor the strength of spirit of our ancestors who, despite all the difficulties, preserved their culture, traditions and dignity.
From 1914-1920, 8,579 Ukrainians and other Europeans, branded as ‘enemy aliens,’ were imprisoned in 24 internment camps across Canada. Men, women, and children suffered during Canada’s First National Internment Operations, not because of anything they had done but only because of where they had come from, who they were
In 2014, the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund and the UCC Internment Committee adopted resolutions designating October 28 as National Internment Commemoration Day in Canada. On this day, we remember the victims of this injustice. And we are united in our resolve to bring an end to prejudice and discrimination, wherever they may appear. Watch a video to learn more.
In support of this memorable day, we have decided to donate all proceeds from the sale of Brazil coffee until October 28 to the Taras Shevchenko Foundation, a charitable foundation dedicated to preserving the history of the Ukrainian people in Canada.
Each purchase of this coffee is your contribution to the preservation of historical memory and the dissemination of true knowledge about our people, which is essential for future generations.